Ana Neacșu
Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology,
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Office: Room 211, UPB Campus Research Center
Last update: July 2024 |
Research Interests
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence
- Robustness of Neural Networks and Explainable AI
- Automatic Audio Processing
- Intelligent Signal Processing of Biomedical data
Degrees and Professional Experience
- 2019 – 2023: Doctoral Degree
- Double Specialization
- Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications (“Summa cum Laude” distinction) – University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- Image and Signal Processing – CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, France
- Title: “Robust Deep Learning Methods Inspired from Signal Processing Algorithms”
- Advisors: Corneliu Burilanu, Jean-Christophe Pesquet
- Double Specialization
- 2017 – 2019: Master of Science
- Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- Thesis title: “Real-Time Gesture Recognition System”
- in collaboration with Centre de Vision Numérique
- 2013 – 2017: Bachelor of Science
- Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- Specialization: Telecommunication Systems (TST)
- 2009 – 2013: Baccalaureate Diploma
- National College “Nicolae Bălcescu”, Brăila, Romania
- Specialization: Mathematics and Computer Science
Professional experience
- 2024 – present : Lecturer
- Department of Electronic Devices, Circuits and Architectures
- Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology
- University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- 2021 – present: Head of Audio Research Department
- Collaboration with MADENN
- 2016 – present : Scientific Researcher
- Speech and Dialogue Research laboratory
- Research assistant in several national and international research projects
- Coordinator of Robotic Systems Laboratory in CAMPUS Research Center (since 2022)
- 2019 – 2024 : Teaching Assistant
- Department of Electronic Devices, Circuits and Architectures
- Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology
- University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- 2019 – 2022 : Teaching Assistant
- CentraleSupélec
- Université Paris Saclay, France
Scientific Activity
National research projects
- 2017 – 2020 : Researcher in the project PN-III-P2-2.1-SOL-2016-02-0002, agreement 2SOL/2017, funded by the Romanian Government through UEFISCDI: Intelligent Systems for Video and Audio Analysis – Technologies and Innovative Video Systems for Person Re-identification and Analysis of Dissimulated Behavior (SPIA-VA).
- 2019 – 2022 : Researcher in the project 425PED/2020, funded by the Romanian Government through UEFISCDI: Embedded Platform For EMG Acquisition with Artificial Intelligence Software Toolkit (EMGP-AI).
- 2023 : Researcher in the project 450/390126/31.03.2023, MySMIS: 156387, Sistem informatic Integrat de Voice to Text Analytics (VOITA).
International collaborations
- OPIS-INRIA – Paris, France
- MHUG – Trento, Italy
- BM/d – Eindhoven, Netherlands
Affiliation to scientific community
- 2019 – present : Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- 2016 – present : Member of SpeeD Laboratory
- 2019 – present: Member of the organizing committee for the International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue – SpeD (““).
List of publications
Journal Papers
- S. Juvină, A. Neacșu, J. Rony, J.-C. Pesquet, C.Burileanu, “Training Graph Neural Networks Subject to a Tight Lipschitz Constraint”, in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), ISSN: 2835-8856, 2024
- A. Neacșu, J-C. Pesquet, V.Vasilescu, C.Burileanu, “ABBA Neural Networks: Coping with Positivity, Expressivity, and Robustness“, in SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS), vol 6, no 3, pages 649-678, doi: 10.1137/23M1589591, 2024
- A. Neacșu, J.-C. Pesquet, and C. Burileanu, “EMG-Based Automatic Gesture Recognition Using Lipschitz-Regularized Neural Networks“, in ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), vol. 5, no. 2, ISSN: 2157-6904, doi: 10.1145/3635159, 2023, ISI WOS:001208775700007.
- N. Lassau, S. Ammari, E. Chouzenoux, A. Neacșu et al. “Integrating deep learning CTscan model, biological and clinical variables to predict the severity of COVID-19 patients“, in Nature Communication vol. 12, no. 634, 2021, ISI WOS:000614504800004.
Conference Papers
- B. Moroşanu, M. Negru, A. Neacşu, C. Negrescu and C. Paleologu, “Personalized Multi-Track Leveling Algorithm“, in Proc. International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), Bucharest, Romania, 2023, pp. 24-29, doi: 10.1109/SpeD59241.2023.10314904.
- M. Negru, B. Moroşanu, A. Neacşu, D. Drăghicescu and C. Negrescu, “Automatic Audio Upmixing Based on Source Separation and Ambient Extraction Algorithms“, in Proc. International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), Bucharest, Romania, 2023, pp. 12-17, doi: 10.1109/SpeD59241.2023.10314957.
- C. Andronache, M. Negru, I. Bădiţoiu, G. Cioroiu, A. Neacșu, and C. Burileanu, “Automatic Gesture Recognition Framework Based on Forearm EMG Activity“, in Proc. 45th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Prague, Czech Republic, 2022, pp. 284-288, doi: 10.1109/TSP55681.2022.9851314, ISI WOS:001070846300059.
- A. Neacșu, R. Ciubotaru, J.-C. Pesquet, and C. Burileanu, “Design of Robust Complex–Valued Feed- Forward Neural Networks“, in Proc. 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Belgrade, Serbia, 2022, pp. 1596-1600, doi: 10.23919/EUSIPCO55093.2022.9909696, ISI WOS:000918827600313.
- A. Neacșu, K. Gupta, J.-C. Pesquet, and C. Burileanu, “Signal Denoising Using a New Class of Robust Neural Networks“, in Proc. of 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2021, pp. 1492-1496, doi: 10.23919/Eusipco47968.2020.9287630, ISI WOS:000786144100128.
- V. Vasilescu, A. Neacşu, E. Chouzenoux, J.-C. Pesquet, and C. Burileanu, “A Deep Learning Approach For Improved Segmentation Of Lesions Related To Covid-19 Chest CT Scans“, in Proc. IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Nice, France, 2021, pp. 635-639, doi: 10.1109/ISBI48211.2021.9434139, ISI WOS:000632622300300.
- A. Neacșu, J.-C. Pesquet, and C. Burileanu, “Accuracy-robustness trade-off for positively weighted neural networks“, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics and Speech Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 8389–8393, Barcelona, Spain, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053803, ISI WOS:000615970408132.
- * C. Andronache, M. Negru, A. Neacșu, G. Cioroiu, A. Radoi, and C. Burileanu, “Towards extending real-time EMG-based gesture recognition system” ,in Proc. 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Milan, Italy, 2020, pp. 301-304, doi: 10.1109/TSP49548.2020.9163481, ISI WOS:000577106400064. **best paper award**
- A. Neacșu, G.Cioroiu, A. Rădoi, C. Burileanu, “Automatic EMG-based Hand Gesture Recognition System using Time-Domain Descriptors and Fully-Connected Neural Networks“, in Proc 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Budapest, Hungary, 2019, pp. 232-235 , doi: 10.1109/tsp.2019.8768831, ISI WOS: 000493442800051.
- A. Neacșu, C. Burileanu, H. Cucu, “Autonomous System for Performing Dexterous, Human-Level Manipulation Tasks as Response to External Stimuli in Real Time“, in Proc. Future Access Enablers For Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures (FABULOUS), Bucharest, Romania, 2017, vol. 241, pp. 246-252, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-92213-3_36, ISI WOS: 000481658200036.
Academic Activity
I have a permanent position as a lecturer in the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest.
Master curricula
- 2024 – present : Artificial Intelligence II: Deep Neural Networks , BIOSINF Master’s program, 1st year: lectures
- 2024 – present : Artificial Intelligence III: Advanced deep learning methods, BIOSINF Master’s program, 2nd year: lectures
Bachelor curricula
- 2024 – present : Microprocessor Architectures 2. Microcontrollers, ETTI, UPB, 2nd year: lectures and labs
- 2017 – present : Project 2: Applied Electronics, ETTI, UPB, 3rd year
- 2017 – 2023 : Microcontrollers, ETTI, UPB, 3rd year : labs
- 2020 – 2022 : ST7 Optimisation, CentraleSupélec, UPS, France, 2nd year : TD
- 2018 – 2020 : Microprocessor Architectures, ETTI, UPB, 2nd year: labs
Other Teaching activities
- Application part of Numerical optimization methods in imaging at International Ph.D. Summer School Mathematics and Machine Learning for Image Analysis, 4-12 June 2024, Bologna, Italy
Student supervision
Graduate students:
- Bogdan TUDOR, “Algoritm de generare de watermark bazat pe utilizarea transformatei cosinus discrete“, TAID 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Cătălin CIOCÎRLAN, “Intelligent portrait generation system using Style Transfer algorithms“, SIVA 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Andrei DĂNILĂ, “Robust Deep Learning Algorithms for Deepfake Detection“, SIVA 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Ramona ROTARU, “Algoritmi de învățare automată pentru detecția depresiei pe baza de EEG”, EIM 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Dan CURĂVALE, “Sistem robust și agnostic de procesare a semnalelor EEG cu aplicație în detecția anomaliilor epileptice”, EIM 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Alexandru GUZU, “Dezvoltarea unor metode avansate de analiză automată a semnalelor sEMG” , EIM 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Mihai MUNTEAN, “Sistem pentru detecția activității sportive și monitorizarea utilizatorului”, EIM 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Andrei DĂESCU, “Remote Control Based on sEMG Signals” AM 2023, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Vlad VASILESCU, “Strategii de antrenare pentru rețele neurale convoluționale robuste împotriva atacurilor adversariale“, IISC 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Marian NEGRU, “Sistem automat pentru descrierea contextului dintr-o secvență video“, TAID 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Cristina ANDRONACHE, “Clasificarea inteligentă a topografiilor provenite din semnale EEG”, TAID 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Mădălin COSTEA, “Optimizarea super rezoluției video în timp real”, TAID 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
Graduate students:
- Antonia DUMITRU, “Voice Control of an Intelligent Robotic System”, CTI 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Adrian DIACONU, “Automatic Calibration System for Industrial Collaborative Robots Based on Neural Networks”, CTI 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Lucian BARON, “The implementation of an automated palletizing-depalletizing system based on advanced image processing technologies“, CTI 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Iulia ORVAS, “Fetal heart rate approximation using surface ECG and Deep Neural Networks “, CTI 2024, ETTI POLITEHNICA Bucharest – in collaboration with Biomedical Diagnostic (BM/d) Lab of the Eindhoven University of Technology
- Andrei GROZAVU, “Asistent dezvoltare circuit integrat digital”, ELA 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest – in collaboration with Infineon Technologies Romania
- Bogdan CARP, “Virtualizarea controlului roboților colaborativ industriali”, ELA 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Mihai ORĂȘANU, “Sistem de detecție și filtrare a zgomotului de fundal folosind tehnici de învățare profundă” TST 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Alexandra SAIOC, “Joc automat “Piatră, Foarfecă, Hârtie” folosind o machetă de tip mână robotică“, TST 2024, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Cosmin PREOTESEI, “Plug-and-play methods for image enhancement”, CTI 2023, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Cristian CRISTEA, “Degraded colour images inpainting system using deep learning techniques”, CTI 2023, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Sebastian BĂNARU, “Tehnici automate de colorare a imaginilor în tonuri de gri”, CTI 2023, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Alexandru POPESCU,”Monitorizarea și prelucrarea semnalelor EMG cu aplicații în recunoașterea automată a gesturilor”, CTI 2023, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Mălina MANOLACHE, “Deep Learning for Automatic Hair Segmentation and Color Change API”, ELA-En 2023, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- David TRUȘCĂ, “Localizarea automată a surselor sonore folosind un ansamblu de 4 microfoane”, CTI 2023, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Radu BOLBORICI, “Tehnici automate de segmentare semantică a tumorilor cerebrale folosind imagini cu rezonanță magnetică nucleară (RMN)”, CTI 2023, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Gabriel PÎRLOGEANU, “Aplicații de navigare autonomă și interacțiune inteligentă om-mașină folosind robotul TIAGO“, MON 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Mihai MUNTEAN, “Corecția mersului uman folosind tehnici de învățare profunde”, MON 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Florin MAZILU, “Automatic Speech Recognition using robust Neural Networks”, ELA-En 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Alexandru GUZU, “Analiza automată a mersului uman folosind tehnici de învățare profundă”, TST 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Andrei DĂNILĂ, “Sistem automat de clasificare a opiniei folosind metode de învățare profundă”, CTI 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Cătălin CIOCÎRLAN, “Sistem de separare inteligentă a surselor semnalelor din domeniul audio”, CTI 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Dan CURĂVALE, “Clasificarea automată a sentimentelor pe baza analizei semnalelor EEG folosind rețele neurale”, MON 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Ramona ROTARU, “Clasificare EEG inteligentă în 3 categorii: imagini personale, fractali, imagini uni“, MON 2022, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Ioan TURTUREA, “Sistem de recunoaștere automată a gesturilor pe baza semnaleleor EMG”, MON 2021, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Andrei DĂESCU, “Multi-Channel Acquisition Module for EMG Signals”, ELA-En 2021, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Dumitra IANCU, “Clasificarea automată a semnalelor EEG pentru detecția pacienților epileptici”, MON 2021, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Răzvan CIUBOTARU, “Sistem automat de reducere a reverberației și eliminare a zgomotului din semnale audio”, MON 2021, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Emma MOCANU, “Modelarea mersului folosind date inerțiale.Sistem de achiziție și interpretare.”, ELA 2021, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Sergiu IONESCU, “Sistem de transcriere automată a textului în vorbire pentru limba Română folosind tehnici de învățare adâncă”, ELA 2021, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Vlad VASILESCU, “Automatic lung lesion segmentation using deep learning techniques”, CTI 2021, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Teodora VAMAN, “Sistem de auto-organizare folosind roboți colaborativi”, ELA 2021, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Roxana-Maria ILIESE, “Financial Time Series Forecasting Using Spiking Neural Networks”, TST 2020, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Andrei DEDU, “Sistem inteligent bazat pe roboți colaborativi“, CTI 2020, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Marian NEGRU, “Sistem automat de transcriere a muzicii folosind rețele neurale adânci”, MON 2020, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Cristina ANDRONACHE, “Sistem de clasificare a semnalelor EEG folosind rețele neurale adânci”, MON 2020, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Mădălin COSTEA, “Neural-based navigation system for 4×4 Jaguar Platform”, ELA-En 2020, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Ana MACARI, “Aplicație web pentru administrarea conturilor bancare”, MON 2020, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Loredana GHENEA, “Sistem de urmărire a mâinii în timp real folosind rețele neural”, ELA 2019, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Ruxandra RĂDUCANU, “Sistem de Recunoaștere Vocală Implementat pe Robotul Umanoid NAO“, MON 2019, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
- Mihai TUDOROIU, “Sistem de Evitare Automată a Obstacolelor cu Robotul Jaguar 4 x 4 pe baza Procesării unor Secvențe VIDEO“, MON 2019, ETTI, POLITEHNICA Bucharest
Awards at Students Scientific Session:
- Analiza automată a semnalelor EEG in aplicații de bio-securitate
- Students: Dan CURĂVALE, Ramona ROTARU
- Coordinators: Ana NEACȘU, Corneliu BURILEANU
- Ist place @ UPB in 2022
- Segmentarea automată a leziunilor din tomografii pulmonare folosind Rețele Generative Adversariale
- Student: Vlad VASILESCU
- Coordinator: Ana NECȘU
- IInd place @ UPB in 2021