Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems

Course in Advanced Microelectronics (AM) Master’s program (1st year)


Prof. Corneliu Burileanu
Lect. George-Vlăduț Popescu

Course Description

The course provides understanding of what an embedded system is and its main components, computer architecture concepts, ARM architecture concepts (operation modes, register set, instruction set, CPU organization, memory organization, interrupts, interfaces, security), and basic embedded systems software concepts (firmware, BIOS, OS).

By understanding the key elements of the processor architecture and through the experience gained during the implementation of the laboratory project (developing the ability to understand the requirements of an application, identify the necessary hardware and software resources, read the documentation, and understand how to use a particular device), students develop the skills needed for their professional career in industry or research.



  • “Introduction to Embedded Systems”
  • “ARM Architecture: Introduction, Register Set, Operating Modes, Addressing Modes”
  • “ARM Instruction Set (A32)”
  • “CPU Organization”
  • “Memory Management”
  • “Memory Hierarchy”
  • “ARM Exceptions”
  • “AHB Lite, APB”
  • “ARM Clocking and Reset”
  • “ARM Power Management (Cortex-M3). ARM Security”
  • “RISC-V I”
  • “RISC-V II”
  • “Parallel Processing Architectures – Overview”


  • Introduction to ARM architecture and programming environment
  • The operation of basic peripherals and examples of use
  • Laboratory project implementation


Laboratory (project presentation and practical demonstration): 50%
Course final exam: 50%