The SpeeD Summer Internships selection is finished
SpeeD Laboratory, in collaboration with the CASIA project, opened 10 internship positions for the 3rd year students in the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology. During 21st January and 1st February, 23 students applied for the internships and between 3rd and 6th February the members of the SpeeD Laboratory performed the selection. The selected students are listed below, in alphabetical order. Congratulations!
- Ardeleanu Ancuta, 433C
- Badea Cristian, 432G
- Calangiu Ioana, 431G
- Dogariu Mihai, 431G
- Dragne Petru-Valentin, 433B
- Iancu Laura, 432G
- Molnar Iris Diana, 433B
- Piele Nicolae Codrut, 433B
- Sandu Andrei, 434A
- Toretoiu Maria-Cristina, 432B
All the students who applied for the internships are invited to join the second edition of the SpeeD “Speech&Language” Workshops, which will start on 22nd February.