Microprocessor Architecture

Course in Bachelor programme (2nd year, series A, B, F, and G)


Teachers: Prof. Corneliu Burileanu (II B and II G), Assoc.Prof. Horia Cucu (II A and II F)
Teaching Assistants: Assis. Șerban Mihalache, Assis. Elena-Diana Șandru


The “Microprocessors Architectures” course presents the main principles of the CISC and RISC architectures. The course focuses on the popular Intel IA32 architecture and illustrates concepts such as the memory organization, the addressing modes, the instruction set, the registers, the I/O strategy, etc. This introduction into general purpose microprocessors provides the students with a basic understanding of microprocessors, which can be further applied for any specific architecture of general-purpose or specialized processors. The laboratory aims to highlight the architecture attributes for the Intel x86 microprocessors family (working in real mode). Specific software tools are used to allow the students to access the internals of the microprocessor.


  1. Von Neumann Microcomputer Structure. Definitions
  2. An Overview of a CISC, General Purpose Microprocessor Core
  3. Fundamentals of a Typical CISC Architecture
  4. Fundamentals of a Typical RISC Architecture
  5. Input/Output Strategies
  6. Time-Dimension of a General Purpose Microprocessor Architecture
  7. An Overview of Intel x86 Architecture (IA-32) in Real Mode


The course slides and the laboratory papers are available on Moodle.


Laboratory (multiple-answer test papers + oral evaluation): 50%
Course final exam (multiple-answer test papers + oral evaluation): 50%