Course in Bachelor’s program (2nd year, series A, B, F, and G)
Prof. Corneliu Burileanu
Assoc. Prof. Horia Cucu
Lect. Ana Neacșu
Lect. Georgian Nicolae
Lect. Diana Grosu-Șandru
As. Andrei Dăescu
Lect. George-Vlăduț Popescu
Course Description
Introducing several typical microcontroller architectures: 8051 core, “Arduino” Systems and ARM family. Study of the advanced principles in CISC and RISC microprocessor architecture: memory management, protected mode, multitasking, CISC and RISC architecture convergence in actual processors. In the laboratory-type applications, the students are guided in developing practical applications for the C8051F040 microcontroller.
- “Memory Management” – Virtual Memory, Virtual Memory Segmentation, Paging Mechanism
- “Protection Methods” – Types of Protection, Memory Management and Protection, Multi-Level Privileges and Protection, Data and Programs Protection, Control Transfer between Protection Levels, Page Protection, Interrupts and Exceptions in Virtual (Protected) Mode
- “Multitasking” – Definitions, Task State Segment and the Related Descriptor, Task switching, Task Gate
- “8051 Microcontroller Core” – General Features, Memory Organization, Register Set, Addressing Techniques, Instruction Set, Instruction Timing
- “Arduino Systems” – Arduino Uno, ATmega48A/PA/88A/PA/168A/PA/328/P, AVR CPU Core, GALILEO Board, Programming Examples
- “ARM Architecture Microcontrollers” – General Features, Processor Modes, Register Set, Memory and Port Organization, Instruction Set, Programming Examples
- An integrated development tool for 8051 core microcontrollers (IDE – “Integrated Development Environment”)
- Overall view on Silicon Labs – C8051F040 “System on a Chip”
- Application using the analog to digital converter
- Application using the UART system
- Application using the digital to analog converter
- Application using the interrupts system
- Laboratory assessment
Additional resources
C8051F04x MCUs 8-bit
Silicon Laboratories IDE
Laboratory evaluation (multiple verification tests + optional oral evaluation): 50%
Course final exam (verification quiz + optional written and oral evaluation): 50%